
Transport Truck Collisions See Rise In Fatalities

OPP Sees Increase In Fatalities Resulting From Transport Truck Collisions

According to its recent research, The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) has found that fewer drivers are dying in crashes as a result of distracted driving. That’s the good news. The bad news is that crashes involving transport trucks are killing more drivers.

Almost seven years ago, the Ontario government put into place distracted driving laws that have since become some of the harshest in Canada, with fines escalating to one thousand dollars and three demerit points.

The OPP further revealed that every category of the four top contributors to collisions, impaired driving, distracted driving, speed and not wearing a seatbelt saw a drop in the number of fatalities in 2015.  The number of people who were killed in crashes attributed to drugs or alcohol use was also found to be the lowest in more than ten years. Unfortunately, the news was not all good. The number of fatalities involving transport vehicles was seventy-one, the highest number in the last eight years.

When it come to distracted driving, Young Drivers of Canada is encouraged by the OPP’s findings. Perhaps with continued education, the numbers will continue to drop, and distracted driving will become a thing of the past. Wishful thinking? Maybe not!