
President's Address 2023

Hello Young Drivers Students,

We are absolutely thrilled to share some exciting news with you! This year, we're unleashing a slew of exclusive programs and features that are sure to rev up your driving experience.

Winter Driving Course: Buckle up for an exceptional winter driving course that will transform you into a snow and ice road warrior! Get ready to conquer the elements like a pro.

G Test Preparation: Say goodbye to test day jitters with our comprehensive G test preparation course. We're arming you with the knowledge and confidence needed to pass!

YD Perks Extravaganza: It's not just about learning, it's about enjoying the ride! Dive into the exclusive YD Perks Program, where amazing surprises and rewards await you. Check out our newsletter for all the details.

We understand that driving is a game-changer in your life, and whether you're a rookie ready to conquer the roads or a seasoned driver looking to take your skills to the next level, we've got your back at every turn.

On behalf of the Young Drivers of Canada community, I extend a warm welcome as you embark on your epic journey with us. As the largest driving school in Canada, we are ready to fuel your driving dreams with top notch education and guidance. Together, let’s embark on this exciting journey towards safe and confident driving.

Yours in Safety,

Anthony Addesi 
President, Young Drivers of Canada