
How to Reduce Anxiety While Driving

Do You Experience Anxiety While Driving?

Many people have anxiety when it comes to driving. Some people are afraid of being a passenger in a vehicle. Some people experience anxiety while driving while others may have a panic attack while in a car. Although these situations are all different, there are some commonalities when it comes to driving with anxiety.

1. A Panic Attack While Driving.

One of the most common causes of driver anxiety occurs when a driver has a panic attack while driving a vehicle. Panic attacks can take over your entire mind, making it had to concentrate. If a driver is in a vehicle, their anxiety may be further amplified by the confined quarters of a vehicle. Many drivers who experience anxiety feel that there is no escape once they are in a vehicle.

2. A Dangerous Situation

Driver anxiety can occur as a result of a response to a near miss or bad experience. Further fear in anxious drivers can be exasperated when they see a collision or hear about a bad crash.

Driver anxiety can also build up over time. Continued stress while driving, inclusive of sitting in traffic, seeing crashes and possible near misses and can increase the symptoms of an anxious driver.

Drivers should have a small amount of anxiety when it comes to driving to ensure that they are following the rules of the road. Where fear becomes, a problem is when the stress becomes overwhelming or debilitating. Here are some tips when it comes to reducing and eliminating driver anxiety.

Tips to Avoid Driver Anxiety

A. Face the driving fear. Have someone in the vehicle. Never avoid not driving. If you do not the driver, your actions will confirm your fear, and you cannot do that if you want to overcome it.

B. Don’t Add to the Anxiety. Avoid any reckless driving behaviour. Maintain the speed limit and follow the rules of the road. Remember to check your blind spot, use your lights to be seen and signal to indicate your intentions. Avoid contributing to your anxiety through your actions.

C. Start Driving in Safe Areas. If you start driving again, do so in a zone that allows you to get accustomed to driving. The longer you start to drive again over time,  the greater the comfort level you will achieve.

D. Learn to be aware. The more aware you are of your surroundings, the less stress you will experience. If you feel that you are getting anxious behind the wheel, pull over in a safe area and control your emotions. In due time you will see an improvement in your stress levels.

Young Drivers of Canada encourages to drivers who experience anxiety behind the wheel to seek out a driver educator to help them get back into the spirit of driving. Driving should be a pleasure and not a pain. Contact Young Drivers of Canada today!